Gifts, Vintage Anything, Homemade whatsits, Antiques, Art and lots of "Pretty Things"

Years ago we had a big house filled with, well, everything. 
 After 30 years of collecting things we decided to down size. We sold our big house and moved into our RV. "Everything" went into storage. Travelling began...

I opened our shop initially as a way to downsize, I mean who needs place settings for 16 when the RV only seats 4. My wife's MS has worsened over the years, she no longer has the energy to change our decor' with the seasons, host parties with crystal platters or collect items just because "she might use them one day".

So I began Delphi's Attic an homage to my wife's grandmother and the fun we had digging through her old trunks, finding things in her cellar and just enjoying her company.

Last year I didn't get a chance to list the items I had planned, My wife did however go crazy on a recent trip buying things because "they're pretty" "someone will really love this" 

 So, we have added to our collection, All of which I will start posting in late March. We are having fun finding little gems to offer in my store. 

 I've also revitalized my wife's old hobbies of making things for friends and family which I will be sharing with our customers. Here's to hoping you'll like them!!